
Be the Master Gardner

You are the Master Gardner of Your Soul

Michelle Mattsen July 14, 2020

You are the Master Gardner of Your Soul

Think of your mind as a garden where you can intelligently cultivate it or allow it to run wild.  Whether you tend to it or not something will grow there.  If you don’t plant seeds of good thought, then a bunch of weeds will sprout up and like most weeds they can quickly turn a garden into a mess. Only with constant weeding and cultivating can the goo . . .

Be Aware of your Environment

Wake Up! Are you Aware of What is going on?

Michelle Mattsen July 7, 2020

Wake Up! Are you Aware of What is going on?

Have you ever found yourself driving along a familiar roadway and suddenly realize where you were and thought to yourself, “Did I remember to stop at that stop sign?”

That’s sometimes referred to letting your mind wonder, zoning out or drifting. Don’t get stressed out about it. You’re not the only one it happens to. We all tend to lose ou . . .

Focus on your dreams

What You Focus on is What You Get

Michelle Mattsen June 30, 2020

What You Focus on is What You Get

It’s the Law of Attraction in motion. Where attention goes – energy flows. It has to. Just because you can’t see, feel or smell something doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. I don’t understand air waves and yet they’re there. It’s energy. What’s to say we don’t have that unseen energy too?

If you focus on high gas prices, unemployment, war, na . . .

Goal - Create Your Own Joy

The Ultimate Goal for You – Joy

Michelle Mattsen June 23, 2020

Joy - The Ultimate Goal for You

Is it a new house, fast car, great career, a healthy life, the love of family and friends, the respect of colleagues and the inner knowingness that you made a difference?

What if I told you it’s all of those things yet none of them?

The ultimate goal isn’t a person, place or thing. It’s a way of Being.

It’s such a simple word yet people will go t . . .

The Energy of Words

Want a Green Thumb – Use the Energy of Your Words

Michelle Mattsen June 16, 2020

Energy. It's in absolutely everything. It never goes away. It just changes form. The same goes for you and your plants.

Have you ever noticed that people who are talented at growing plants talk to them?  I always thought it was just coincidence until I made the connection between Professor Emoto’s Messages in Water and the amount of water in plants.

If you’ve never seen the video go now . . .

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Michelle Mattsen

Michelle Mattsen

Michelle Mattsen holds a B.S. in International Business and is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). Sh . . . read more

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