
Change Your Mind and Change Your World

Michelle Mattsen June 2, 2020

Change Your Mind and Change Your World

The title is a lyric from a song by Sugarland.  It’s very short but extremely powerful.  It means by YOU deciding to change your perspective or mindset on a viewpoint, person, emotion etc will literally change your world.

Simply put, you take any situation you find yourself in; stuck in traffic, loss of job and find the positive learning experience in it.  It can be difficult to find something positive about losing a job but here are some positive points.

  • I really wasn’t happy there anyway.
  • This gives me an opportunity to take advantage of some programs out there to update my skills.
  • I’ll find something better because I’m a talented person.
  • Maybe now would be a good time to pursue that career change.

Change can be hard but remember that when you’re uncomfortable it means you’re learning, hence growing.

There is always something positive to find in any given situation, you just may need to look harder to find it. Even when you’re in an argument it could be that you’re learning to stand up for yourself.  When you’re stuck in traffic it could be that now you have time to listen to that book or inspirational message you’ve been meaning listen to, or for some, having the quiet time to think and process the day. When someone you know passes away you may realize what you learned from that person, appreciate it and decide to be more like them.

From a spiritual stand point, actually it’s all spiritual, you decided to have these experiences. Sure, from a conscious level you’d wonder why you’d EVER want something like this to happen to you, but spiritually you know it’s what’ll push you to grow. It’s all about growth.

Every moment of your life you have the power to decide whether to be happy or sad, to appreciate or complain about your life. Be the victor not the victim. The influence of those around you need not negatively impact your experience. You are the creator of your world and therefore it’s up to you to decide how YOU will view it. We create our world by our thoughts, words and actions. Choose wisely.

Birds of a feather really do flock together so if you find yourself around negative people then do something about it. There are reasons why rich people are rich. They have a different mind-set, a can-do positive attitude, and that not only works for them but anyone else who has come from humble means. They have a common can-do positive attitude that frankly infects those around them. The lesson here is, if you want to be like someone, hang around people who have those attributes. You will subconsciously pick up their attitude, work ethic etc.

Change your mind and change your world.

To help with your changing your mind-set, you can order my book, Pick Me Up, on my website.

If you would like to discover the talents and strengths you can check out some of my programs along with discovering your Core Passions at Your True Heart’s Desire.

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Michelle Mattsen

Michelle Mattsen

Michelle Mattsen holds a B.S. in International Business and is a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). Sh . . . read more

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